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The old-slavic replica-ship RUSICH is lifted on a dry mooring in SPOT ON MARINA in Darwin. The finish of 3rd stage is declared!





Team of an Old-Slavic castle "RUSICH", Organizing Committee of the project and Fund of Round-the-world expeditions, and also personally project commandor, the Honour traveler of the Russian Federation Sergey Sinelnik express words of hot gratitude to all for support: to official bodies, the authorities and services, to yacht-men and travelers, especially hospitable townsmen Darwin! We thank Peter and Svetlana Tyukavkin, Nadezhda Slayter and Simeon Andropov, come to the help in difficult finish minutes of the 3rd travel stage!


In connection with the announcement of navigation 3rd stage FINISH it is published

At navigation 3rd stage there are passed 3000 n miles after start on October, 03rd, 2011 from Thailand, from port Satun. Also there are more than 90 miles of fresh waters in Australian river Adelaida within the limits of the following forwarding sail-project ON the RIVERS of Australia.

The Head of expedition, the Honour traveler of the Russian Federation Sergey Sinelnik.
The Head of project Organizing Committee: Boris Filatov.
The Head of the Russian Support Staff: Evgenij Shtilj.

During 3rd stage the old-slavic castle RUSICH has passed waters of SEVEN seas of South East Asia:
this Andamans, South Chinese, Javanese, Bali sea, Flores sea, the sea Suva (Sava, Suwu) and Timor sea. In total after start on August, 10th, 2010 from river banks of great river Volga, from port Tolyatti, the castle RUSICH has passed waters 16 seas of the Atlantic and Indian oceans basins. At first two stages of navigation (autumn of 2010 and spring of 2011) it there was Azov, Black, Marble, Egej, Mediterranean, Red, Arabian, Lakkadiv, bay of Bengal and Andaman sea.

At 3rd expedition stage has visited a number of the countries: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia.
In total from start from port Tolyatti the old-slavic castle has passed on the seas and oceans of the Earth an enormous route more than in 11 000 n miles (it more than 20 000 km!).


The castle team consist of the inhabitants from FOUR countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
At 3rd stage it were (from Thailand to island Bali): commandor - Sergey Sinelnik, the boatswain - Ilya Podgornyh, the mechanical engineer - Sergey Muravitsky, the cook - Alexander Bujvaljuk, helmsmen-sailors: Alexey Romaneev, Vadim Galitsky, Vilen Derevjanko;

From island Bali (Indonesia) to port Darwin (Australia), after partial replacement, as a part of a castle team RUSICH were: the doctor - Victor Ites, the cook - Alexander Protsenko, helmsmen-sailors - Sergey Korobkin and Vladimir Dobrovolsky.

Technical condition of a castle RUSICH:
The expedition Organizing Committee reminds that our vessel has been constructed in 2005-2006 on shipyard "VARYAG" in Petrozavodsk (Russia) and to the present project of 2010-2011 has passed 5500 km waters of the great river of Volga and Caspian sea within the project From the Varangians to Persians-2006.


The Organizing Committee ascertains that 3rd stage of navigation through Indian ocean confirms again that the chosen design of a wooden vessel of Old Slavic type until-mongolian period Х-ХII of centuries perfectly well proves to be in serious ocean conditions. Our travel confirms the theory remarkably scientific Thor Heyerdahl that our great ancestors used the seas and oceans of the Earth for movement much more actively, than it can be treated in school textbooks.

Before start on October, 03rd, 2011 the old-slavic castle RUSICH has passed case repair during which time have been replaced 12 boards of the onboard covering which have been worn out for 5 years of sea and river transitions and storage of a castle ashore in Thai port Satun. This fact has shown that the castles used at building pine boards perfectly well prove to be in any sea and river conditions of a planet from hot tropics to cold northern waters of Russia (in particular Lake Onega), and gives the grounds for planning of the further navigations of a castle RUSICH, including polar (Arctic regions and Antarctic). Besides, experiment when at repair in port Satun (from September, 10th till October, 02nd, 2011) some pine boards of a covering are replaced with boards of an iron tree is made: the further travels and the analysis of a condition and behavior of the ship case RUSICH will show validity of such replacement.


Concerning the used expendable materials: paints, first coats and anti-foaling coverings engineering service of the project (the boatswain - Ilya Podgornyh and the mechanical engineer - Sergey Muravitsky) can give exhaustive consultations to any consumers of the given information and firms-manufacturers of the given materials.
Participants of expedition have made huge a photo- and a movie which is operatively published in various mass-media, on numerous sites on the Internet, and becomes a basis of new films and broadcast about castle travel.

The finish of navigation 3rd stage of a replica-ship RUSICH is declared simultaneously with start of the following unique travel project which is confirmed by Organizing committee and Fund of Round-the-world expeditions on November, 11th, 2011 - ON the RIVERS of Australia - 2011-2012.
Within the limits of these new expeditions the team of a castle has already spent from November, 11 till November, 14th 2011 test-visiting to the Australian river Adelaida, on which there have been passed 90 miles. Possibility to move on the river has been estimated, to maneuver, rise on coastal parking and other technical subtleties. The Organizing committee confirms that this new project also is spent for the first time in modern travel history and it is represented rather interesting in the near future!


The further plans of an Old-Slavic castle RUSICH in Australia are corrected: variants of continuation of navigation round Green continent as "clockwise" - on the East from Darwin, and "counter-clockwise" - on the West are considered. On terms it can be both the end of 2011 or 2012!

Anyway a final point of the given travel is the port Sydney as old-slavic castle RUSICH is devoted to the great Russian scientist and traveler Nikolay Mikluho-Maklaj, and in Sydney there is its house-museum and there live descendants. Participants of expedition consider as the debt to finish the transition from coast of Russian great river of Volga to the house where the great scientist Mikluho-Maklaj lived and worked.

All specifications under the further plans of a castle RUSICH are published on an official project site: www.sinelniki.ru

The Organizing Committee asks all mass-media of all countries at use of materials about castle campaigns RUSICH necessarily to refer to an official project site and confirms that, at instructions on a source, published on our site of a photo- and text materials are free for publications in other mass-media.

The Press release have signed:

The Fund of Round-the-World-expeditions
Organizing committee of the project
the Navigation Support Staff in Moscow.

On November, 17th, 2011.



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